Differents betwwen Reseller 4GB and Enterprise Reseller 4GB

Hi All,

I got an email today regarding some tweaks in the reseller packages. My specific question is regarding the processor; according to the email, all enterprise resellers use high-frequency CPUs, and normal resellers use 2.2 GHz. I’m in a regular reseller, and my CPU shows 3.00 GHz. Can you clarify what the CPU is for each package?

I tried to open this question in the “Question Category,” but it didn’t let me open a thread there.

Thank You

Hi Kevin,

In our Enterprise Reseller, Cloud Hosting & Cloud Servers, we use Dual Xeon Scalable Gold +3.0Ghz; in our Reseller, Shared Hosting, and Email Hosting, we have a mix of CPU (normally AMD Epycs or Xeon Silver), but we guarantee that the CPU will be at least 2.2 GHz.

Because we are short of +2.2 GHz Regular Servers, we are allocating all new accounts to Enterprise Servers, so If you buy a new regular reseller today, chances are that it will be hosted temporarily in an Enterprise Server; we will later rebalance our cluster and regular plans will be moved to Regular Servers and only Enterprise Services will be hosted on +3.00Ghz enterprise servers.

That explains why you are in a +3.00Ghz with a regular reseller account.
Enjoy the extra performance for free!


Thanks for your detailed explanation!

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Let me know if you need anything else